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OLIVIER MAZZON, is considered a visionary artist: his art and professionalism are internationally recognized.


Olivier MazzonOLIVIER MAZZON, is considered a visionary artist: his art and professionalism are internationally
Born in Paris in 1961, OLIVIER MAZZON is appreciated today as one of the new talent in the world of beauty. Applying his knowledge of hair stylist, lately he has become a talented photographer. The public is fascinated by his savoir faire, his ability, his energy and his zeal and commitment with the holistic principle,too.


Olivier is also author of passages about values in life. These messages accompany readers through a dimension of intense consciousness. In the young age Olivier is also MUSICIAN. For four consecutive years with his classical guitar he was awarded at the Paris Conservatoire. As pop music was rapidly developing Olivier decided to abandon pop music in favor of the Comédien Française.


He would have liked to become an actor but his parents did not allow him to work for it. His parents were afraid he might have left school in favor of the stages. He did not follow his parents willing but listened to his inner voice. Olivier decided to concentrate his impulses in various disciplines , such as martial arts, cycling and football which then become essential activities to achieve a balance in life.


He approached the profession of hairstylist for fun and never imagined that one day he would have become a talented hairdresser. In the summer of 1975 Olivier worked in a unisex hair salon in Paris as a learner. After two years, Olivier moved to work for one of the most prestigious hall located on the Champs Elysees. At 19 years old Olivier performed his first show in the Rue Royale in Paris and shortly after he began to attend the largest and internationally known salons.


At the age 19 he created his own brand Olivier Interfrance, a brand recognized in various parts of the globe. Animated by the desire to discover every particle of the world around him , Olivier had the privilege to meet famous artists, fashion designers and entertainers and he became hairdresser and confidant of international celebrities.


Olivier FotografoTowards the end of the 90’s Olivier’s participation in the jet-set is becoming rare. In those years, he became father of two beautiful daughters: Jasmeen Narayana and Padma Nilayam.


To enjoy these memorable moments of life, far from hectic life, Olivier moved to one of the Iles de Beauté, Corsica. The Greek name of the Island is Kallistè whose meaning is “the most beautiful”. Children cannot be left aside and , especially in the young age, the presence of a father and of a mother is essential for their growth of consciousness . Children teach us to be patient, the values of the instant remain forever in our hearts. On the other hand, success, fashion and targets are only a tiny step in the path of life, and they are destined to fade away.


The artist who, devoted to his job, forgets the “essential”, is not a true artist in the soul, as he is partly selfish. Olivier Mazzon today is a NEW MAN: he intensely lived his life and went through every single steps of life. He is leader of this fascinating journey, his profile is a real philosophy, he has a strong belief in other people and their infinite power .


A professional wedding, celebrated together with right people, is the artistic realization of the new OLIVIER PARIS project.


OLIVIER PARIS is source of a new era in the world of essential beauty.